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Time is Money

Most businesses wish they had the time to explain their products, services and methodology to potential customers -- but all too often, that is just not possible. However, with Corporate|Shorts business education programs you are immediately viewed as an expert, triggering more questions, more inquiries and ultimately, more sales.

Many different studies show that visual presentations help viewers retain as much as 50% more then written and verbal information. In addition, a startling 82.6 percent of people said they were more likely to buy from a site that had video explaining the product or service Bottom line – we give them better, easier to understand information - and save more of your time while increasing business.


    82.6% of people said they were more likley to buy from a website
    that had a video presentation.

  • To help celebrate our 20th anniversary, we are extremely happy to
    celebrate with you! If you are a first time client, we want to give you a special on
    our introductory package. Until the end of the year you can get our basic package
    for $2450.00 - that's $500.00 off
    . In addition, you can save up to $1250.00 off
    an expanded package. Thank you for helping us celebrate 20 amazing years!

    Contact your project manager about Corporate|Shorts now.

    Recent Projects

    Prosthetic Solutions Int.
    Click here for more
    Radnor Corporate Center
    Click here for more
    The Wellness Community
    Click here for more

    Client’s Testimonials

    Kevin Towers, POSI It has been amazing how people have taken to the programs about our practice. We are in a the business of helping people and this is the way we get a personal connection right from the start.
    Dr. Leonard Ginsburg, Moore Eye The team they have is extraordinary, and the results unquestionable.

    Our Two Cents

    Help Us Celebrate! LIt's our 20th anniversary - but you get the gifts. Until the end of 2010 we are offering specials on all our programs.
    Call us today and schedule an in-person demo and let us wow you!
